Intraoperative Endovascular Challenge:
Tool Tracking in Fluoroscopy
Robust detection and localization of interventional tools, such as guidewires and catheters has a wide range of clinical applications for endovascular procedures. This challenge aims to promote the development of sophisticated computer vision/image analysis algorithms for tracking of surgical tools in intraoperative imaging modalities such as X-ray fluoroscopic video sequences. A dataset composed of several video sequences of in-vivo and animal studies will be provided together with annotated ground truth in order to facilitate collaborative research and objective evaluation of new methods in this area.
More information regarding the structure of the challenge, the dataset and submission guidelines will be posted soon together with the important dates.
Each participant will be asked to submit a short paper with a description of their algorithm together with the results generated using the provided dataset. The organizers are aiming to present the challenge in a joint journal paper which will be co-authored by all challenge participants. The journal paper will briefly describe the algorithms submitted to the challenge, the evaluation strategies, the challenge results, and a conclusion for future research in this area.
For the participants who are willing to make the implementation of their algorithm publicly available, links to their online repositories will also be provided.